Music Therapy
We are proud to partner with Carla Tanguay of Modulations Therapies to offer free music therapy services to our homebound patients.
In a home health setting, Carla employs a variety of interventions to address the specific needs of patients. These interventions may include: music-assisted relaxation techniques to reduce pain, stress and anxiety; live music and songwriting opportunities to foster self-expression and reminiscence; and neurological music therapy techniques to address difficulties in movement and communication.
About Carla Tanguay
Carla began her music therapy career working in hospice care, supporting patients and families at the end of life. During her 11 years in this setting, Carla gained clinical skills related to pain and symptom management, memory care, and grief work. She met thousands of people from all walks of life and was honored to be a guest on their journeys. Carla also served as an internship director, clinical educator, and manager of several departments. In 2012, Carla moved to Mount Desert Island in Maine to direct an adult day program for people with memory loss. There she combined her clinical and administrative skills and brought music therapy to our area for the first time. After several years, she saw the need for expanded services that would serve all populations and age ranges, and launched her private practice. Carla holds a Bachelor's of Music Education in Music Therapy from the College of Wooster and a Master of Arts in Music Therapy from St. Mary of the Woods College.